
  • Happy Mail Tracker Free Printables

    Often times, when I am writing letters to my penpals, I forget what I have sent them or what I talked about. So I needed a way to track which penpals I sent what to, and what I said to them so I don’t keep repeating myself or sending them duplicate goodies. I hope you […]


  • Detailed Wish Lists

     Here are some detailed wish lists for you to download and put into your planner! it has columns for the product or gift, the price, where to get it, and if you have received it or bought it Please do NOT share the actual file or file link. Instead send your friends here to download my […]


  • $25 erincondren e gift certificate giveaway

    I am hosting a giveaway on my Instagram account @wenduhh_plans for a $25 E-gift certificate to shop online at I think it’s perfect since I just reached 500 followers and because on June 12th the new life planners come out! $25 to go towards a new life planner would help a ton! Anyways if […]


  • Banner Planner Stickers

    Sorry for taking forever to post these. These banner stickers took me a while to make I tried to put as much topics as possible with the help of facebook’s we love ec group members. I didn’t do everything suggested but I left a lot of blank ones on the second page so you can […]