Here is remake of my day on two page inserts. I’ve changed the font a bit & tried to make it a bit more appealing, not much difference though.
There is a section to keep track of just about everything in your life. I love using these daily planner inserts. I have been using these for a month or two now and absolutely love how detailed this planner is.
The sections include:
- “Today is:” – to write in today’s date
- “Schedule” – for writing down appointments or planing out your day according to time, ensuring that you have enough time for everything on your to do list
- “Must Do” – your top priorities for the day
- “Home” – things that need to get done relating to the home or family
- “Work” – a spot for all of your work related tasks
- “Personal” – personal to do’s that you would like to accomplish today
- “water” – you can color or check off each cup of water that you drink in a day
- “Workout” – you can write down what workout you did and for how long
- “Budget” – write down your shopping list, or your expenses for the day
- “Events/Activities” – have people to see, or place to go? write that down here
- A blank section – for whatever you like (for mine, I wrote in blog!)
- “Don’t Forget” – so you can write down things that are coming up that you need to remember
- “Meals” – whether you plan your meals or just would like to keep track of what you eat, writing it down keeps you stay on top of it
- “Reflection” – Write a memory or a highlight of your day, or write something you were grateful for. Anything you want so you can look back and feel accomplished.
I hope you enjoy this daily planner as much as I do. If you need help with printing please refer back to this blog post here.
A5 Daily Planner
Personal Daily Planner
Pocket Daily Planner
A6 Daily Planner
If you do end up using these I would love to see pictures. Tag me on Instagram @wenduhh_plans or #mswenduhhblog
or #mswenduhh
Please do NOT share the actual file or file link. Instead please send your friends here to download my free printables, thank you.
Hi, are there printing instructions somewhere for the A6 size? I am hoping I can print 4 pages per 1 letter sheet. Is this possible?
I just printed these out, I'm trying to build my own planner. They look great and once my printer and I figured each other out, it was easy peasy getting them to print out 2 sided! Thanks for sharing these!
OMG – thank you so much! #mamaof3boys
Wenda, what software do you use to create your inserts? Im dying to make my own fitness inserts, and love the style of yours.
I just use Microsoft word, I make tables and play around with the borders!