Every time I am at Target, I always have to buy their dollar spot
stationery. I have a pretty big collection of their note cards and
envelope sets. These cute envelopes  are perfect in the pocket Filofax. There are a number of ways to use them. It’s best to put them
in the back of your Filofax though because it does stick out a little.


All you have to do is hole punch it!

  • use a previous divider or paper as a guide and hole punch it on the side without the flap
  • then put it in your filofax with the flap side up

Ways to Use Envelopes in Your Filofax:

Coupon Organizer

only get coupons in the mail, so I get very few and only keep what I
absolutely want or need.  I have it organized by store/kind. I labeled
them by using washi tape and a permanent marker.

Here are my coupon categories:

  • Arts
    & Crafts
    : of course! For all of my stationery goodies. These are
    usually just my coupons for crafts store like JoAnn’s, Michael’s, and
    Hobby Lobby.
  • Target: I sometimes get store coupons from target
    and I print some out from their website. So all of those coupons go
    inside this envelope.
  • Household: if I ever come across cleaning products or paper products these coupons go into this envelope
  • Fashion: Here I store all of my mall type coupons for shopping for clothes and shoes and accessories. I also store beauty coupons too like from ulta.
  • Food: Groceries can get expensive so of course I like to get coupons for that. This is also for restaurants and fast food coupons.
  • Kids: I have two little ones so any chance I get to save money on diapers, wipes, toys and such all goes into this envelope.

A Cash Budget System or Just to Hold Your Cash

don’t personally use this system as I don’t like to carry lots of cash
on me. But I’ve heard it’s a great way to budget your money. The way it
works is that you categorize all your expenditures and put a set amount
of money in each envelope. That is all the money you have and can spend
on that category. And once you run out of money you can’t spend anymore.

For example if you have a section for eating out, you would say the
budget for the month is $100. Whenever you go to a restaurant or grab a
bite somewhere you would pay using the cash in that envelope only. And
once that is all out am you can’t eat out anymore. Pretty simple right?

Here is a website that provides an expenses budgeting envelope printable.

Great way to not over spend if you can stick with it.

Random Storage

way to use envelopes in your Filofax is as storage. You can store
receipts, washi tape samples, stickers, and other little planner
essentials you may have that just would get lost in the pockets.

are you going to use envelopes in your Filofax? I hope this gave you a
few ideas on how to make your Filofax work better for you! Thanks for
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