Do you feel like you are constantly planning but never taking action? You are constantly switching planning systems in order to find that elusive planner peace. But no matter how much you spend, or how great you think this new system will work, you never really feel quite productive. You have set big goals, lots of tasks you need to do and even deadlines for when you should accomplish them by. You set up your plans in your
planner, but now comes the hard part, taking action.
The first step in starting to take action is first realizing why you aren’t. What’s holding you back, what is your excuse for not taking action?
It’s easy to find excuses for not taking massive action toward your goal. After all, taking on a big goal is intimidating! What if you try and fail? What if everyone laughs at you for even thinking you could do it? Most of the excuses we make for not taking action to achieve a lifelong goal come down to fear, plain and simple. That fact isn’t very sexy, but there it is. Consider these popular excuses for not taking massive action and the fear lying under the surface of each. Which of these excuses is your downfall?
Table of Contents
“The timing isn’t right”
Guess what? The timing is never going to be perfect. Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith and make your own timing work. If you’ve been saying this for a while, look at the underlying fear that is holding you back. Are you scared and overwhelmed of taking that first big step? Try it and you’ll soon realize that your mind was making it seem bigger than it actually was. Are you afraid of falling on your face while the world is watching? We’ve all been there. Failure happens, but learn to embrace it and learn how you can improve next time. Rather than beating yourself up for putting off your dream yet again, why not take a deep breath and take that first step? Acknowledging your fear will tame it. If you keep making excuses to find the right time you might not ever reach your goals.
“Things are too busy for me right now”
Everyone’s life is busy these days, and it might seem like you just can’t add one more thing into your packed schedule. That’s understandable. But, ask yourself what you are willing to give up to reach your goal. If this goal is important to you, you will find the time. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something so that you can get the life you want. Are you willing to give up some of your free time or cut back on work so that you can spend time taking massive action towards your objective? If not, then clearly this goal isn’t that important to you.
“I need to do more research first”
This has been my excuse for years! I always referred to it as analysis paralysis. When someone says this, it often really means that they are more comfortable staying in the research phase rather than the taking action phase. As long as you never move out of learning and into doing, you aren’t taking any of the risks involved in taking massive action. But neither are you going to reach your destination. There are times when you just have to decide that you know enough to get started and then start. You can learn more along the way as you get closer and closer to meeting your goal. It’s much better to have something, even if it’s imperfect, than have nothing at all. Once you see your progress, you’ll be much more motivated to keep going until your goal is met.
Don’t let fear stop you from taking those first important steps to creating the life that you want! Look closely at your excuses and see them for what they really are—fear in disguise. Notice that feeling of fear, and then take that first small step in spite of it. These fears are just mental barriers. Use these fears as fuel to help you take action. Once you change your mindset, change the way you feel about these excuses and fears, you will soon start taking the actions which will bring your goals into reality.
Start Taking Action Now by Slaying Your Goals
If you want to learn more about how to start taking massive action on your goals then you’re going to want keep reading…
I was recently chatting with my friend Nadalie Bardo, the “goal slaying queen.” She slayed her goals of escaping the 9-5 and building a successful blog, without a job, a plan or money in the bank! What’s your goal that needs slaying?
She’s sharing EXACTLY how she did it in this #GOALSLAYER Masterclass happening Wednesday, May 2nd at 8pm EST/5pm PST.
So, this is the part of her story that I love. She shared her step-by-step method for slaying her goals with me and how she did it WITHOUT having a detailed plan or clear goals. And how it helped her and her coaching clients start simple, break free and finally follow through, even when they were unmotivated.
Nadalie offered to share her method with you in a FREE #GoalSlayer Masterclass where she’s breaking down “How to Slay Your Goals in 6 Steps.” She’ll take you step-by-step from where you are now, to where you want to be.
And for everyone who joins the live Masterclass, she’s gifting a bundle of #GoalSlayer Goodies valued at $50 as a free gift. Trust me, you really want these exclusive freebies.
Do you have a goal that needs slaying?
Click here and RSVP now. If you’re ready to actually achieve your goals, you don’t want to miss this. (And of course, share it with your friends too).