If you are into planners, you are probably a to-do list enthusiast as well. These are some of my tips on how I stay on top of my to-do lists and get things done.
Table of Contents
Types of Lists To Use
I have a Master To-Do List, Monthly To-Do, Weekly To-Do Lists and a Daily To-Do Lists that I use in my weekly planner.
For my master to-do list, I put the things I would like to get done but doesn’t really have to be done at any certain time. Just things that I do not want to forget, but I need to write down. Most of these things are big projects too that would take a lot of time. I use this to-do list for my master list so I know if I started on one of these long projects! I have a section for this list in my personal planner. Having this long-term goals list to refer back to can help you in working towards these goals in your daily to-do lists.
Every month I have a monthly to-do list which I try to focus on. These are big goals I want to accomplish for the month.
My weekly to-do lists are part of my weekly view in my Erin Condren planner. I write these down every week on the side where it says “weekly goals and notes”. Alternatively, you can use a journaling card or post-it notes. These are things that I must get done this week. Usually, they are things that I want to clean out that require more time than a typical daily task.
Finally, the daily to-do’s, every night, I write down 3-5 things that I MUST get done for the next day. You can also do this the morning of. These things are usually just daily chores like laundry, cleaning the bathroom, etc. Sometimes I take one or two things from my weekly to-do list and write them in my daily to-do list. You can organize this by morning-day-night, by sections like home, work, kids, school etc. or by urgency level – from highest to lowest priority.
Planning Tips
“Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”
You know that quote right? Well, it is so true! You have to set aside some time every night or morning to plan your days. If you don’t you’ll be running around all day thinking of what you needed to do or get done. Have a daily planning session where you make and prioritize your daily to-do list. Your goal for this planning session is to plan the upcoming day’s activities and develop a plan of attack to carry them out.
The key to mastering your to-do lists is to just write down your top must-do tasks. Rethink your priorities. If you have a list with way too many things to do, it can become overwhelming and you may not get any of it have to be realistic with the time you have and write down tasks that you know you can do.
But don’t get mad at yourself if you don’t finish a few things on your list,
just move it to the next day & try again! & if you find
yourself not finishing your list every day maybe you need to rethink your
list and shorten it a bit to be more manageable!
Write it Down & Check it Off
When you write things down and plan ahead, you know you will get to check it off as soon as you do it. It is the most rewarding part! Check off your completed tasks and review any remaining uncompleted tasks. When you don’t write down your to-do list it can be harder for you to get things done. So write that list down every day, every week!
Check Back Often Throughout the Day
Be sure to keep your to-do list in sight. Put your planner in a place where you can easily access and check back on it throughout the day.
Don’t let your to-do lists get messy and overwhelming! Use these tips to stay on top of things, regroup and refocus on what is important and be happy with checking off things every day!
Where did you buy that planner?
Great post Wenda! Very informative!
I have only just started to get into using a planner I am gathering lots of info and I am making an A5 one for next year!! It will be my first.
To do lists are an absolute must for me, so thank you so much for this!!
I check off AND scratch out. I need lots of positive reinforcement to do anything. Lol.