- 😰You struggle with how to structure and schedule your days and weeks to be productive
- ✍️You are always planning but never taking action
- 🚫You are always putting off important tasks and missing deadlines
- 😫You are frustrated with not being able to get things done
- 🤔You overthink everything and hesitate to start anything before you feel ready
- 😨You feel like it’s impossible to take time to enjoy life because you’re always worrying about what needs to get done
- 👨👩👦👦 It feels like you never finish anything because you are so busy with life’s everyday tasks
- 📒Trying to keep up with several planners to just end up getting overwhelmed and never using any of them
- 🖨 Setting up a million binders and planner systems but never really utilizing a system to actually use them
- 📑Losing all of your great ideas and projects because you scattered them throughout a million notebooks, scrap papers, planners, notepads and more.
- 💻Trying all the apps and online project management tools just to abandon them all
You are NOT alone! Not knowing how to become productive is far more common than you’d think.
I ought to know, because I’ve been in the exact same spot before.
I used to always procrastinate, avoid things and get overwhelmed. That’s until I figured out the only things you need to finally get organized.
I’m here to teach you how to set up your systems so you know how to organize all the things coming into your life, never forget something important ever again, and make sure you get everything done without stressing out. This is the same system I personally use to manage my time and my busy family.
Our planners are just that, planners. They aren’t going to help us lead a more productive and happy life if we don’t use it. I’m here to teach you about systems, routines, and habits to help you finally get organized.
- ⌚️You know exactly what to work on and when.
- ⏰You are never late for anything.
- 🎁You bought a present, wrapped it and was ready well before that party started.
- 😊You are not worrying about everything you have to do each and every day.
- 🧘♀️Your mornings and evenings are calm and relaxed
- 🏡Your house is organized and clean and you know exactly where everything is
- 👯♀️ You have time for both work and personal tasks such as working out, hanging out with friends, date nights etc.
- 🤔When you get the urge to procrastinate, you refer to your worksheets to help you
- ✍️You set up your life to help you live a healthier life without having to rely on motivation
In Wonderful Plans, you’ll learn how to actually plan, organize your entire life, and stop procrastinating!
This workbook will help you create these rules, routines and systems so you can achieve your best life, while enjoying the process.
Thanks to “Wonderful Plans”, you will finally start getting the best results and take concrete steps toward the life of your dreams!
As a person who has struggled with procrastination, I have searched high and low to find the best strategies to fix these problem.
I can end your frustration with searching through all the information on the internet about productivity and procrastination.
I will walk you through the exact process and system I use to help people get all the info they need to be organized and successful.
- ✔ How to create detailed 90-day action plans that will keep you moving forward quarter after quarter
- ✔ How to break down and plan out your projects and create an action plan every day
- ✔How to keep track of everything in your personal and work life and find the perfect balance
- ✔ How to organize your home and all the info needed to run a household for a more streamlined life
- ✔ How to create systems and routines you can follow, to work efficiently to reduce wasted time
- ✔ How to manage your thoughts so procrastination never gets the best of you
- ✔ How to use an online project management tool with Google Calendar
Discover ALL the strategies I’ve learned from years of studying time management and productivity — strategies that will dramatically save you time, end procrastination and help you get stuff done.
This bundle includes all the printable packs all in one – plus EXTRA BONUSES! This is a great deal. If you buy everything individually it would come out to over $106! But with this bundle you can get it all plus extras for only $47!
All in an extremely actionable planner and workbook.
- Complete ebook and workbook with 6 sections and guided worksheets to help you go from flustered to organized. Workbook is over 400+ pages and the Ebook is over 200 pages (with some of the worksheets). There’s so much information packed into this bundle!
- Get everything that’s listed in this shop all in one complete bundle!
- The ebook teaches you everything you need to know about goals, how to plan your years, months, weeks, days, how to streamline your life to be more organized, and how to stay on track and be your most productive self so you can live a wonderful life. Also includes a section that walks you through how to set up your tasks and calendar digitally!
- Individual worksheets in folders to print and organize your household binder/arc system and planner, any way you like. These include: Brain Dumping Task Ideas, Home Management Worksheets, Financial Worksheets, Annual Planners, Goal Planners, Systems and Routines, Lists and Tracking, Habit Trackers and Reviews, Project Planners, and soooo much more!
Sections Include:
Getting Clear
Questions to assess your past and get clear on your future
Goal Setting
Brainstorm and come up with theme words for your goals
Goals planning pages and breakdowns
Learn how to create a weekly schedule and make time for your goals
Learn how to batch and time block
Planning pages from annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily
Streamlining – Routines and Habits
Habit Trackers
Morning and Evening Routine Planners
Weekly Routine Trackers
Streamlining – Home Management Binder
Over 200 pages of detailed home and life management printables to organize every part of your life. Comes in both letter and half letter size (which fits A5 sized binders).
Productivity Hacks and Worksheets
Procrastination Busters and Worksheets
Self Care Ideas and Checklists
Taking Action
Ways to get started on taking action
How track and take action daily to reach your goals
Digital Planning System
A peek into my complete planning system
Digital vs. paper
How to schedule your events and tasks into your calendar
Includes the Home Management Binder:
Family Info & Contacts
Emergency Info
Friends and Neighbors Contacts
School contact info
Children’s height/weight tracker
Safety Info
Clothing Sizes
Medical Info
Doctor/Dentist Appointments and Visits
Medical Info
Symptoms, Blood Glucose Tracker, Medication Log, Prescription Information, Allergy Information and more
Dental Care and Health Care Info
Home Management
Cleaning services, and cleaning routines
Home projects and home maintenance contacts
Home and appliance info and details
Cleaning checklists
Auto Management
Car Information
Car Care Checklist
Auto Maintenance and Repair records
Health & Fitness
Sleep Trackers
Variety of Workout Logs and Trackers
Before and After and Weight Loss Journey Trackers
Body Measurements Log (Monthly &Weekly)
Training Plans
Recipes to try
Go To Meals
Favorite Take Out Places
Super Food List
Grocery Shopping List
Weekly and Monthly Meal Planners
Travel/Vacations & Celebrations
Vacation Tracker and Bucket List
Travel Info, Budget and Planner
New Places To…See, Do, Go, Eat
Birthday and Anniversaries List
Holiday Cards
Favorite Hotels & Restaurants
Packing Checklists (2 Versions)
Holiday Shopping Lists
Gift Ideas List
Shopping and Wish Lists
Personal Care & Hobbies
Grooming Services
Books to Read and Movies to Watch
Tv Shows
Self Care Checklists
Wellness Routines
Gratitude Tracker
Variety of budget trackers
Online order tracker
Expense Tracker
Savings, Debt and Debt Snowball Trackers
Monthly and Yearly Bill Trackers
Yearly Financial Summary
Annual Income Tracker
Lists and Trackers
Annual trackers
Monthly Reviews
GTD Checklists
Analytics and Stats Trackers
Published Posts
Guest Posts
Blog Post Ideas and Planner
Blog and YouTube Workflow Charts
Sponsors and Affiliates Info
– Wall Calendars to print for only $3-4 as a blueprint at your local office store
– Planners in different planner sizes for Finances, Monthly Planners, Weekly Planners, Project Tasks Lists, and To Do Lists. Sizes may include: Pocket, A6, Personal Wide, MHP, A5, Half Letter
– Divider Labels and Printable to section off your binders
Is this another planner?
Although there are some planner printables inside, it’s not just a planner. This is more of a system. One to help you create a super productive day by implementing some practical strategies that work with you.
I’m sure you don’t need another planner. They almost never solve your productivity problems. You can use this system with any planner you currently have.
How long do I have access to the workbook?
How does lifetime access sound? After purchasing, you have unlimited access to this printable for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. You will also be updated of any new updates I make to it year after year! I definitely plan on adding more to it in the future.
What size is the workbook?
The pages come in both standard Letter size and Half Letter Size (Which can fit A5 sized binders). But there are certain planning pages that comes in multiple planner sizes such as half letter, a5, a6, personal wide and pocket.
How do I print it out?
I offer several options for printing. In the file you will find different formats to print all the worksheets at once or individually (which is the preferred method). The individual worksheets is the way to go so you can print multiples of the same sheet and set it up any way you like.
The download is in a zip file which includes multiple folders, find what you want to print and print the number of copies you want of each.
– The half letter printables are formatted to be printed on any size paper (a4, letter, or pre-cut paper, etc)
– Just be sure to print at 100% or actual size
How to Resize Inserts:
What type of paper do you recommend?
I recommend using a smooth thicker paper as this is something you will reference often in your life. I personally like the Hammermill 28lb Printer Paper
I’ve tried many productivity tools before, how is this different?
Great Question! The simple answer is this not just a tool to help you be more productive. It’s a system and a tool in which you can implement right away. You will learn actionable strategies to create your most productive day and week. It works with your behaviors to help you be more productive, and keep you that way.
How can I make sure I really follow through on completing this system?
If you like checklists and need to follow one to go through this course, then be sure to check out the quick start checklist! It tells you what you should be doing in order to set up your productive life!
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