How to Easily Budget Using Envelopes

Budgeting doesn’t have to be stressful. If finding time to track your expenses is an issue for you, the envelope budgeting system can be a great way to track your finances. This management technique uses envelopes to track how much money you can spend for different categories each month. 

How to Use the Envelope Budgeting System: 

1. Come up with categories and a budget

Come up with categories for each expense. Examples of categories can be bills, rent, groceries. Then allocate a monthly budget for each category so you can make sure you’re not spending more than what you can for each type of expense. 

2. Add Cash to Envelope

After you set the budget for each envelope, label them and cash out the necessary amount, and place them accordingly in the envelopes. 

3. Spend it Wisely

When it’s time to go to the grocery store or pay your bills, pull the money for the right category when it’s time to pay, and put the receipt inside. 

If you have any money left over you can roll it over to the next month, or put it into a savings envelope or bank account. 

If you want to get started on the budgeting system, Mint has a free printable available to download below. Simply cut and fold according to the instructions, and start saving!

Download here

If you would like to include the other printables from this article here are the mockup images and download links: 

Family Savings Challenge

Download here

Mason Jar Savings Tracker

 Download here

If you’ve been having a tough time keeping up with your budget, this is the post for you. Mint has put together these easy ways to use envelopes that will help you stay on top of all your bills as they come in each month. The printables are also included so go ahead and download them now! You don’t have to be an accountant or math wiz–these tips make it easy–all from someone who’s walked the walk (and made some mistakes!).